Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I just cannot sleep properly

I am getting scolding from mummy every night these days as i don't listen to her and go to bed whenever she puts me into bed. i would climb down the bed again and get loads of toys (sometimes mummy's stuffs) and then climb up onto bed again and make a mess out of it.

And then i would pretend to drink lots of water so that mummy won't get so angry at me.

Ashley always like to end the night with a big huge smile!
This video was taken at ah ma house. i was singing "Three Tigers". Mummy and ah ma says i am very rough as a girl. They will often ask me, "Are you a girl or a boy?" and i would always answer in a cheeky manner, "BOY!"

Oh, and remember the previous entry on me eating macdonlad's fries? Mummy got a video of me in a more visual description on me enjoying the fries. I hope to be one of the female lead in Macdonlds advertisement the next time.

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